
The Kind of Home

What kind of home does your husband come home to?

If your days are anything like mine, you're exhausted by the time your husband arrives. You've looked forward to his presence for relief, a break, and appreciation. You want to dump all of the day's stress on him - vent - and him make it all better. But close your eyes for a moment and think about how you would like to be greeted. Chances are it has nothing to do with a Honey-Do List or nagging about taking the garbage out.

Your coming home party might include a pleasant and smiling spouse, a glass of wine, and a sympathetic ear to listen about your day. You'd expect the kids to be glad you were home and plans for dinner already started. You may even want a few minutes of mindless TV-watching to help clear your head. I would imagine that your husband would want something similar.

I try really hard to make my home a safe haven for my husband, a place where he longs to be and hates every moment he's away. With two infants who depend on me for everything during the day, this can be very very difficult. But I'm learning that it's always worth the effort. I love watching the stress leave his face and he relaxes and says, "Ahh, it's good to be home."

A red carpet isn't necessary, but making him feel like a celebrity isn't such a bad idea.

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