
Words of Praise

Children believe everything you say.

If you tell them they're stupid, they'll believe it.
If you tell them they're dumb, they'll believe it.
If you tell them they're slow, they'll believe it.
If you tell them they're irresponsible, they'll believe it.

On the other hand...
If you tell them they're smart, they'll believe it.
If you tell them they're kind, they'll believe it.
If you tell them they're thoughtful, they'll believe it.
If you tell them they're special, they'll believe it.

This applies to babies too. Even minutes out of the womb, I firmly believe that they can sense your spirit as well as the intent of your words. Perhaps that's why they say that children are such good judges of character. Speak words of encouragement. Praise. Thoughtfulness. And someday, you'll get the same in return.

How high are your expectations for your children? They'll only rise as high as you say they can.

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