
Cycle of Respect

How do you refer to your husband? When he's there, and in front of other people? Would people recognize him as your partner, your employee or your slave?

You don't have to watch television very long before you realize just how demoralized men are portrayed in the media. They are viewed as "dumb" and "simple" creatures, most often put down by their very own spouse! The Simpsons. Everybody Loves Raymond. The King of Queens. Yes, Dear. In each of these shows, the husband is always the butt of the joke and always slow to learn.

Think back to the fifties. (Alright, I wasn't around then, but I've watched the reruns!) Father Knows Best. Ozzie and Harriet. Leave it to Beaver. There is a distinct difference in the attitude of these shows. The father is the head of the house. Authoritative. Compassionate.

I'm not suggesting that we all turn off our televisions and just watch reruns and old movies all day (though that's not necessarily a bad idea.) But there is an awful lot of negative language about our fathers and husbands today and it is having a huge impact on our families. Divorce. Extra marital affairs. Domestic violence. Men are encouraged to be more feminine and 'less male.' After all, that's how we go into this mess, right? No.

A man yearns to be respected. Appreciated. Adored. He needs to feel like he is protecting his family. Providing for them. He wants to be the king of his castle. Not in an oppressive way, but in a loving, protective role that communicates security and safety to those most important to him.

Kids learn how to respect from their parents. How you treat your husband is a pretty good gauge of how he will treat you. And your kids will learn from HIM how a woman should be treated. It's a cycle. If you disrespect your husband, there's a pretty good chance he'll do the same to you... and your kids will be watching.

Hollywood has done a pretty lousy job of communicating just how we should treat men. And therefore, how women should be treated too.

So, next time you ask your husband to do something - or refer to him in front of others - take a moment and think about what kind of message you're sending. Not just to your husband, but to your kids. And believe me, they can read you pretty well. Loud and clear.

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