
There's A Lot They Can Do

At 22 months old, my boys can set the table and put their dishes in the sink.

I'm totally serious.

It started innocently. Hmm, perhaps selfishly is a more appropriate word. I honestly didn't start off with that as my goal. But what a lovely bonus!

I would be putting the last touches on dinner and both boys would pull on me. I can hold one on my hip, but not two. So I've been trying to keep the other one occupied long enough for me to finish. One way was to give him the plates, cups and forks to put on the table. So I did. And so did he.

You probably wouldn't even believe me if I told you that he set one plate and fork at each setting. So I'm not even going to tell you.

That made me realize: there's a lot they can do. And they LOVE it! Don't worry, I'm not into child labor or anything. These boys are receiving a warm home and plenty of love and affection in exchange for their service.

When Andy comes home, he gives the boys his jacket and sweater to help him bring into our bedroom. They anxiously await this every night. (Ben's walking in front of Jack, carrying Andy's clothes to the room.)
Allowing the boys to 'help' us honestly takes a little more effort. But it is adorable watching them try and help. The beams on their faces are priceless when we praise their effort. You'd think he was the one to carry those chairs himself. Jack was even trying to watch where he was walking. They adore their daddy, so it isn't surprising that they want to do the things that he does!
Ben can't hide his pride as he slowly walks his plate to the sink.
This isn't something I had planned on teaching so young, though I certainly don't mind! I remember hearing that good habits are established by age five. So I guess there's no better time than the present! I'll keep offerring opportunities for the boys to help if they're interested and not push too hard. Because now, it's just fun doing grown-up things.

That makes me wonder. What other things could they do? How ELSE have they been holding out on me? ;)

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