
Disassembling My Safety Net

Today I disassembled my safety net. Took a huge leap of faith. Today I submitted my official letter of resignation.

When the boys were born, I had hoped that I would be able to stay with them full-time. But with the economy so unstable and jobs being so scarce, one can never be too confident. I took the two years my district offered me and kept praying for God's best for our family. All the while, I've been appreciative for the safety net that laid below me. If we needed the second income, my safety net (aka "job") was there to catch me.

Parenthood is so much more difficult than I had ever anticipated. Nothing else has stretched and challenged me more than being a mom... but nothing has blessed me more either.

A friend had asked me a while back if I was going back to work. "I'm not sure yet," I honestly answered, "We're still weighing our options." "But are you really going to waste all of that education?" he asked. "Just throw it all away?" That really caught me off guard. I wasn't throwing anything away. Everything I have ever done, everything I have accomplished, been awarded or earned - a master's education, tenure, permament certification, six years experience - made me into the person I am today.

I'm not allowing my education to go to waste. I'm investing it.

Here's to the future!

1 comment:

  1. Love this post Mindy :)

    I was struggling with those same questions (asked by myself not be any other) when my daily devotion led me straight to this:


    Then this:


    Couldn't be clearer!

