
Believing the Best

How much would your attitude change if you always believed the best in people? Not to be naive, but optimistic. You'd be surprised by how much it affected your day!

Rather than getting mad at the guy that cut you off in traffic, be understanding. Maybe he was on his way to the hospital to see his dying mom. Maybe he was worried he'd be late for work because his 4-month old spit up all over his shirt. Perhaps you were in his blind spot and he sincerely never saw you. Rather than getting angry (and taking it out on the next person you see,) be grateful you and your loved ones are safe.

This way of thinking is especially important to do toward your husband.

Don't get mad at him for being home late for dinner until you've heard his side of the story. Maybe his boss kept him late for work, or he stopped for gas. Maybe his cell phone battery died and he couldn't call to tell you where he was! There are multiple things that could have happened. It's so easy to get ourselves so twisted that we fail to give the other person the benefit-of-the-doubt. We know our husbands love us and would never do anything to hurt us. So why do we always jump to conclusions? We can at least give him a smile and a "welcome home" before assuming the worst.

When we were dating, my (now) husband said he would call me later in the evening. I waited and waited for his call and became extremely frustrated when I heard nothing. The later it got, the more mad I became. Uh, how inconsiderate! I had my whole speech outlined when I talked to him the next day, but let him talk first. Come to find out, he fell asleep! How innocent is that!? That was when I realized how important it would be to always believe the best when it came to the most important man in my life.

Sometimes, it helps to have a good imagination!

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