
The Diary of a Hormonal Pregnant Woman

As soon as we started dating, people wanted to know when we would get engaged.
As soon as we were engaged, people wanted to know when we were getting married.
As soon as we were married, people wanted to know when we were going to have kids.
As soon as we found out we were pregnant, people wanted to know the sex.
As soon as we found out we were having twin boys, people wanted to know the names.

People like to know. I get it. I like to know, too! I couldn't wait to learn the details of the boys, to meet them and begin our journey. And this pregnancy has been no different. We were more than excited to find out the sex, so now that we know it's a girl, we've been fielding questions about her name.

Um, I honestly don't know.

We've got a few ideas. A short list of ideas. But nothing definite. We want to have a list to take with us to the hospital so we can meet our little one before assigning her a name she will have for the rest of her life. That's kind of a lot of pressure, isn't it? The.rest.of.her.life.

The pressure of this responsibility hit me like a ton of bricks the other night. And it came out of nowhere.

Andy had rented a movie for us to enjoy and so I spent a few minutes in front of the computer before he hit play. After realizing that Baby Girl was going to be here in less than three months, I opened Microsoft Word on my laptop and started plugging in a few names. To see them in print. But when I started typing them, I started to panic.

I didn't like any of them.

I told Andy what I was doing and said, "We've got to come up with some more names. I don't like anything we've got!" I was honestly starting to panic. As if I hadn't realized a huge project was due in a half-hour and I hadn't done anything to prepare.

Poor Andy obviously had no idea that I had built this up to be such a big deal in my head. "Oh, don't worry, Min," he assured me. "We'll think of something before she comes. And it'll be great."

That's when the tears came. "Tonight! I feel like we have to do it tonight! We have to know!" Andy must have realized we weren't going to be watching the movie and sat down next to me and we plugged away on the computer, looking up baby names, meanings and seeing what they looked like on the computer and sounded like when we said them aloud.

What a great friend he is to me.

I don't think we really got anywhere, or made any more progress than before. But I did eventually calm down and realize that we had a little time. It probably had more to do with the fact that Andy took my concern seriously and tried to make me feel better. He knew this was hormones, but thank God, he didn't say it outloud. He reminded me that we had changed Jonathan's name just a few days before they were born (he was going to be Nathan) and we do have a few more months before she joins us on this side of the womb. We will come up with something. But it probably won't be today. And that's alright.

As much as I may roll my eyes when people keep trying to push us for information - to know what our next step is - I am the same exact way. I like to know. To be prepared. And the pregnancy hormones only highlighted that.

Ahh, the ups and downs of an (already emotional) pregnant woman. Thank God for a husband who loves me anyway. And a friend who doesn't mind putting off a movie for a few nights so his wife can actually enjoy it.


  1. Mindy, we spent months and hours trying to decide names. We actually went through the ENTIRE baby name book and had lists, combinations all sorts of things. I agree that it is a huge amount of pressure. We were so worried that we started even before we knew the sex. So we had boy names and girl names.

  2. We had chosen Kate's name (Katherine), had it all settled, had told the family but few others our decision. I came home from work and told Matt I just didn't think it was the name of our girl! We sat down, discussed other names and left it for a few days. The next weekend, came back together and we decided to do a "secret ballot" (how secret can you be when there are only 2 of you??). I had settled back on naming her Katherine only to have convinced Matt that the other name we considered was better! Oops...obviously, we had more discussion after this to finally decide Katherine was, for sure, the name of our girl. And it fits her perfectly :)

  3. Aww, don't worry about it. A name will come. Hubby and I are currently batting names backwards and forwards for our little one (due in 9 weeks) we are still undecided though.

  4. even though You do not know her name God does because she is fearfully and wondefully made and important to Him.
