
Why, I Oughta

There are so many options of things I should be doing with my time. Right now. The boys are sleeping and have been for the past two hours. I've got almost an hour before it's time to wake them up.

It's not like I've got nothing to do!

I really oughta run a load of laundry.
I oughta take a long shower.
I oughta make thank you cards for my cousin's bridal shower this weekend.
I oughta download pictures of the boys.
I oughta start dinner.
I oughta take up the rest of the groceries from the van.
I oughta clean out and vacuum the van.
I oughta clean my room.
I oughta burn picture files from the computer onto CDs.
I oughta work on the boys' baby books.
I oughta schedule their 2-year pediatrician visit (already a month late.)
I oughta fill out that ridiculously long questionnaire from NYS about their growth.
I oughta pack away their winter clothes.
I oughta work on the MOPS summer playdate schedule.
I oughta make something for our meeting tomorrow.
I oughta clean out my diaper bag.
I oughta write to my secret pal.
I oughta respond to some emails.
I oughta go through a few bins in the attic.

Instead, I've been browsing through old photos on Facebook and then perusing old listings of houses online, hoping to find the needle-in-the-haystack that we might have already missed. I didn't. I've still got nothin'.

And even after all of this excessive time-wasting, I decided that it would be a better investment of my time to complain about everything I ought to do and yet actually DO none of those things. I'm not sure if this accomplished anything. But at least I can cross ONE thing off my list... blog.


  1. Love you, we all need days to just blog. Your doing great, miss you all. Love MOm♥

  2. Haha. I had a whole lotta I oughta's tonight too! Scott took the girls out and i had the whole house to myself and I shoulda got a WHOLE lot more done than I did...I ended up going to the $1 store to buy pool floaties, watered my garden and read other people's blog posts!! LOL!

    Gotta say, I did enjoy putting my list of I oughta's down...I oughta do that more often!!

  3. Ugh, I just blogged about almost the same thing. I get so frustrated with myself when I waste time. At least you get 3 hours to do something then waste time. Titus gives me less than an hour most days. :(
