
Making Better Use of "Me Time"

I've always known it was important to make time for "me." But that became especially clear when I had kids. With all of the responsibilities a mom balances - husband, food, cleaning, laundry, playdates, church, family, kids - it can be extremely difficult to carve out time for us to recoup our strength to do it all again.

Andy needs help with paperwork? I'm on it.
They need someone to come up with a craft for playgroup? I'm on it.
My mom needs help making copies of pictures? I'm on it.
Someone needs a meal? I'm on it.

"Me time" lately has been on my bed, flat on my back and with my laptop perched in front of me while my boys sleep. Usually I just zone out in front of Facebook or reading different blogs. It just feels good to do nothing.

This is not necessarily bad, but I've been noticing a trend. "Me time" amounts to laziness and unproductivity. I'm eating whatever I can get my hands on (especially chocolate) and my stomach is acquiring an additional flotation device. I'm sluggish and exhausted. I thought about all of the fruits and vegetables I give to my boys... about the beautiful lunches I make for Andy... and the well-balanced dinners I try and prepare... then why am I serving myself the scraps? That's when I realized I needed to spend more of "me time" DOING things for MYSELF.

I started last night.

When I packed Andy's lunch, I packed one for myself. Complete with a salad, drinks and snacks for the whole day. I do it for my family - why not myself? This way, I can snack on my lunch throughout the day - just as much husband does - and have a better concept of how much I am consuming. I feel better about the green peppers, cucumbers and cheese/crackers I'm eating because I put thought into them the night before. It's not an open-the-cupboard-and-see-what-junk-I-could-fit-into-my-mouth-within-a-ten-minute-time-period kinda thing.

Being a mom is sacrificial. Of course, there's nothing we wouldn't do for those we love. But I'm beginning to realize that I need to spend a little more effort taking care of myself so I have more to offer. Even if that means using up some of my "me time" to better care for ME.

After all, I'm worth the effort.

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