
A Place of Comfort

"Let the wife make the husband glad to come home, and let him make her sorry to see him leave."
Martin Luther (1483-1546)
I came across this quote the other day and it has both challenged and encouraged me. What do I do - on a daily basis - to know that my husband is welcome in our home? That is a safe place for him to return to? After some of the days I have with my boys, I feel like my home is anything but tranquil.

Why does it seem like I was such a better housekeeper before I had kids?

It seems like no matter how much straighten up I do before 5:45pm, I've got at least one box of wipes spilled on the floor, the MegaBlocks thrown all over the dining room and dishes piled a mile high in the sink. (All of this while I'm watching Ben push his Little Tikes table over toward his high chair so he can climb onto the window shades. Aye.)

I can't do it all. Trust me. I've tried. I just can't.

I was talking to my friend the other day and mentioned my dilemma. She said that she had had the same frustration. With four kids, she just couldn't create a wonderful world of cleanliness to greet her husband every day. Rather than giving up entirely, she asked her husband what ONE thing he would be happiest to see. What ONE area/section of the house he'd like to have cleaned so when he walks in the door, he can feel relaxed. For her husband, it was the dishes in the sink. "Alright, I can do that," she said. Every day before he comes home, she makes sure that there are no dirty dishes in the sink. And he likes that!

So I asked Andy. And do you know what he said? The counter. But not the entire counter, just the area less than 2'x2' just next to the door. Really? That's it? I can do that. It's only been four days and I am proud to say that that little area has stayed clean. (At least when Andy arrives home ;) I couldn't believe how much stuff I tried piling on that tiny little area during the day! Andy has noticed the fact that this small piece of counter has stayed clean and almost everyday, he thanks me for making the effort.

What do you do to create a house where your husband hates to leave and just can't wait to come home to? Even if your house looks like a small tornado made its rounds, be sure to greet him with a smile and a hug. Let him know you're glad to see him. And wait at least fifteen minutes for him to de-stress before you go into the drama of your day. Do ONE thing at a time. And trust me, he will notice. And YOU will be the one that is blessed!


  1. I was looking for another blog with a similar name and found yours instead!
    I asked my husband what area he would like to see clean when he gets home. His answer? "The kitchen. And the bedroom..."
    So it didn't work as well as yours did- I have a lot more work to do! : )

  2. Thanks for the comments... This made me really appreciate my husband who somehow manages a full time job working from home, keeping the house in order, and getting the kids on and off the bus. He truly makes me look forward to coming home from work. It also made me appreciate the progress women have made in the last 50 years since that quote.

  3. Oh, geez. Well, baby steps. Right? One of my friends this week told me, "Progress, not perfection." I like that. I've been having success with taking ONE area of the house to work on. Once I get that down, then I can add another small part when I feel ready. Honestly, I've been able to keep that tiny area of counter space free but once I see how nice it is to have that space clear, I'm motivated to keep the other space clean! Baby steps :)

  4. That is wonderful! How blessed you are, friend!
