
Life on the Plateau

I am amazed at how much my life has changed in the past few months.

  • 22 months ago... we learned I was pregnant. We were ECSTATIC!

  • 20 months ago... we learned there were TWO! We just about fell on the floor.

  • 15 months ago... I wasn't sure how much bigger I could get! I slept most of the day away, growing my babies and getting excited about their arrival!

  • 14 months ago... my babies arrived on our 2nd wedding anniversary! Sleeping, cooking, cleaning and shopping were all things of the past.

  • 13 months ago... I wondered how on earth I could ever do this by myself. I didn't feel like I had enough arms.

  • 11 months ago... they started sleeping through the night. So did I; it was even better than I remembered. I stopped going to my mom's every weekday and learned how I'd manage on my own. It was a lot of work, but I was feeling good.

  • 6 months ago... they got their first cold and we started rocking them to sleep with a bottle. We knew it was going to be a hard habit to break, but in that moment, it was all we could do to stay sane.

  • 5 months ago... they started crawling. I rearranged my house to keep two busy little guys out of danger.

  • 4 months ago... they started standing. And climbing. I moved the furniture again. And again.

  • 2 months ago... I found a whole new life outside of pumping. The boys started walking and I gained confidence in leaving the house.

  • 1 month ago... we started a new bedtime routine where the boys fall asleep on their own, rather than having me and Andy rock them to sleep and then carefully lay them in their cribs. This has brought so much more peace to our home and a longer night's rest for all of us!
Life is good. I'm able to do stuff around the house during the day and can plan for quiet activities (or sleep) when the boys are taking their nap! The boys are beginning to keep eachother occupied a few moments of the day and they enjoy sitting in my lap to read a book. I venture out a few times a week and organize playdates. I take pictures of my friends' kids and go to the zoo. My body is feeling normal and I'm starting to cook nice dinners again - or at least not grilled cheese ever night - after a loooong absence! I'm organizing our apartment and giving loads of stuff to Good Will. I'm organizing papers and throwing away junk. It feels good. Real good.

I feel like we've reached a plateau. We're coasting right now. Enjoying the flatland and storing up energy. But I can't help but think that this may be the calm before the storm.

I went to the park with some friends from my MOPS group today and was talking with Mandy about her 2.5 year old son, Nathan. "Your boys are so good," she commented, "I miss that stage." She went on about how independent her son wants to be now and how he refuses to take naps anymore. He's super active and potty-training has been a headache. "I'd give anything to be back where you are right now," she said, laughing.

Hmm. Point taken.

So I'm enjoying this plateau right now. I'm doing everything I can, resting whenever possible, knowing that my feet will be busy on the way down the hill. This period of rest will not last forever, but it is getting me ready for the next part of our adventure. I don't know how long it will last, but I will enjoy it while I can :)

1 comment:

  1. Cool post Mindy-- I love the countdown of months! Kind of crazy to think about all that happens in such a short period of time with kids!!

    We do have to enjoy those moments when things are calm because they ALWAYS and inevitably get crazy again!!

    That said, potty training was pretty easy for us...just depends on the kid!! and I'm looking forward to Ella being at an age where she can communicate her needs better and do things like color without eating crayons or throwing them on the floor!!!

    I think getting past the first year as a first time parent, ESPECIALLY to twins is HUGE! You've done a fantastic job!!! There are always more challenges, but I think we also eventually find the new swing of things...which it sounds like you have!!

    AND...I knock on wood as I say this! Ava still naps...I make a big priority of it...so here's to naps until our children our 5!!!! (I'm sure that's wishful thinking, but who knows!!)
